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Więcej na temat koreańskich kosmetyków przeczytasz tutaj

Sensitive skin cosmetics

Cosmetics for sensitive skin should be as gentle as possible. They should minimize the risk of irritation. Sensitive skin is characterized by delicacy and tendency to redness. In the case of this complexion, there is often a feeling of tightness and burning after using soapy water and some cosmetics. It is a demanding complexion and its care also means observing and avoiding irritants, e.g. excessive sun exposure, air conditioning.

Products for sensitive skin should be mild with a small amount of selected ingredients with a wide effect. Good cosmetics for such skin also improve the skin’s natural protective barrier. In this category, we have collected cosmetics that should work well in the care of sensitive skin. If you have concerns, it’s okay to call and together we will create a set of cosmetics that will meet the needs of your skin. We will also think about testing selected products before buying them to be sure of effectiveness and mildness.

Sensitive skin care

Sensitive skin is delicate, easily irritated, prone to redness and a recurring itching or burning sensation. Sensitive skin belongs to the type of skin susceptible to external factors. This type of skin requires delicate cosmetics that will strengthen its resistance to irritants. Care of sensitive skin is also an appropriate prophylaxis. It is worth avoiding excessive exposure to the sun’s rays and using sunscreens with a high protective factor. Do not expose the skin to irritation and use regular care.

Korean cosmetics for sensitive skin

Korean cosmetics are generally products with refined mild compositions. Asian cosmetics are very often evaluated by analyzing their ingredients against their classification by the EWG (Environmental Working Group). Ingredients classified in green are generally gentle and effective. An important element that distinguishes Korean cosmetics for sensitive skin is the focus on solving the problem and not only its symptoms. Both the cream for sensitive skin and other dedicated cosmetics will contain ingredients that strengthen the skin against irritants. In the case of this type of skin, it is worth minimizing the risk of irritation. It is worth considering the use of cosmetics with short and safe compositions or products that combine many functions, e.g. moisturizing, nourishing, anti-aging.
It is a myth that natural cosmetics are a guarantee of safety. Many plant substances can have a strong irritant. It is always an individual matter, so it is always worth testing the product on your skin.

What ingredients in cosmetics for sensitive skin should I look for?

This question arises very often. Unfortunately, there is no clear answer: skin sensitivity varies from person to person. Despite this, ingredients that work well in cosmetics for sensitive skin include:
Bisabolol – an ingredient obtained from chamomile soothes irritations and has anti-inflammatory properties
Beta-Glukan – an ingredient with anti-wrinkle effect
Green tea extract – an ingredient with batkericidal, protective, moisturizing and regenerating properties.
Macadamia nut oil – oiling, moisturizing and elasticizing the skin.

Of course, there are more ingredients suitable for sensitive skin. If you do not have the time, strength or head for this. Write to us or call us, we will create the perfect set of cosmetics for sensitive skin that meets the needs of your skin.

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