___File: /nas/content/live/seasonsbeauty/wp-content/themes/4seasonsbeauty/woocommerce/content-single-product.php ___Line: 52
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[name] => Glow Up – An Anti-Aging Treatment Iren Skin
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[description] => Additional information about the Glow Up – An Anti-Aging Treatment Iren Skin
A set of serum dedicated to the care of mature skin aimed at preventing the appearance of wrinkles and reducing the visibility of those already present. The set includes serums in which ingredients are used to reduce the visibility of wrinkles, antioxidant and improve skin tone. Iren Skin is a Japanese brand focused on new technologies and nature.
[short_description] => A set of facial serums, whose task is to combat the signs of skin aging. The set includes:
FOREVER YOUNG Anti-Aging Serum – contains ingredients whose task is to eliminate wrinkles
SKIN REBOOT Antioxidant Serum – protection against free radicals, conducive to skin aging processes
STAR LIGHT Brightening Serum – skin brightening and fighting discoloration
Individual products can be used separately or combined with each other for the desired effect.
Volume: 3 x 5 ml
Watch the video on how to use the serum here
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Glow Up – An Anti-Aging Treatment Iren Skin
Out of stock
A set of facial serums, whose task is to combat the signs of skin aging. The set includes:
FOREVER YOUNG Anti-Aging Serum – contains ingredients whose task is to eliminate wrinkles
SKIN REBOOT Antioxidant Serum – protection against free radicals, conducive to skin aging processes
STAR LIGHT Brightening Serum – skin brightening and fighting discoloration
Individual products can be used separately or combined with each other for the desired effect.
Volume: 3 x 5 ml
Watch the video on how to use the serum here
There are no reviews yet.